Official Start of The Project With The Mission Of Improving The Production And Consumption Of Green Textiles And Clothing In The Danube Region
In Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on March 25 and 26, 2024, a two-day partner meeting of the project "GreenTex - Improvement of Danube green production and consumption of textiles and clothing" was held. The Green-Tex project is implemented within the framework of the EU INTERREG Program Danube Region led by SERDA (BiH), as the leading partner and 10 partners from 7 countries of the Danube: MUNICIPALITY OF POSTOJNA (SI) Nativa- Institute for Sustainable Growth (SI), EKOCHARITY SLOVAKIA FOR SLOVAKIA civic association Slovensko (SK), Eurotex Ltd. (BG), Municipality of Majur (HR), University of Zagreb, Faculty of Textile Technology Croatia (HR) UNIVERSITY OF DONJA GORICA (ME) Zlatibor Regional Development Agency (RS), Bucharest Metropolitan Area Intercommunity Development Association România (RO) and First Hungarian Responsible Innovation Association Magyarország (HU).
This meeting made the implementation of the Green-Tex project official, and the partners and planned activities of the project were presented. In addition to the SERDA project team, MS Katalin Kasza-Kovács, project officer from the Interreg Danube Program Joint Secretariat and Ms Lejla Sadinlija, Senior Specialist from NCP BiH and representative of the Directorate for European Integration of BiH addressed those present.
Also, on 26th March 2024 the Green-Tex workshop on "Reaffirmation of circular economy principles in textile sector" was held. This first workshop worked on circular economy principles in textile sector with aim to ensure that all PPs share the same vision, objectives, and goals. Also, it was an opportunity for project partners to present their relevant experiences to date.
The Green-Tex project aims to strengthen transnational cooperation and innovation in the Danube region for a sustainable textile sector, which will be more resilient and competitive in adapting to global changes from a traditional to a more regenerative circular economy based on the practice of green textiles. The implemented project activities should result in an increase in institutional capacities. in terms of applying the principles of the circular economy in the textile sector with specific knowledge and capacity in the following fields: collection of textile waste in various types of environments (city, urban and suburban areas), application of natural fibers of local origin (i.e. wool) in innovative textile production, and green fashion design (reuse, zero waste design). etc.). The implementation of the project will be supported by associated partners: Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic, City of Trenčín (SK), The Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests (RO), Ministry of Communal Economy, Infrastructure, Planning, Construction and Environmental Protection of Sarajevo Canton (BiH).